A prestigious award for the best presentation (Talk or Poster) at the Conferences

Colour in Mind and the connected Summerschool Colouring the Future has been offerred by the Hector Fellow Academy to young scientists, covering research in the field of colour perception, colour processing in visual systems and/or colour technology.


The winner will receive a certificate and a prize money of EUR 1500, and the winning presentation will be published on the conference website.

Winners are selected by an international and interdisciplinary jury of 6 senior researchers, according to the following criteria:

  • Novelty and originality of research
  • Quality of scientific content/methodology
  • Quality of presentation (visualisation, conciseness, clearity)


If no abstract is suitable for the prize, the jury is not obliged to pick one.

Eligible are young researchers, i.e. 39 years or younger, who do not held a permanent position.

Applicants should send their CV to annette.werner@uni-tuebingen.de

Deadline for the application is 20.9.2016.